
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2020 angezeigt.

Building a sewer table

For some reason I really like sewers and similar areas as a setting for action scenes. If I had to take I guess why, it probably has something to do with my love for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Franchise. No matter if its in movies, tv shows, comic books or videogames, I just really enjoy the feel of those cramped spaces, small cylindrical tunnels and pipes, rivers of sludge, old brick walls and more often than not ridicolously large waterfalls into deep caverns. So when I started playing the two superhero tabletop systems by Knight Models (more on those later) I knew wanted to build a sewer-themed gaming table.

GrimDarkVania - Beginnings

At the start of 2019 I had an idea. I had just finished watching the 2nd season of Castlevania on Netflix. It didn't have many of the things I love about the games, but it got me hyped about the franchise in general again. Ever since I played Circle of the Moon on Game Boy Advance, it's been one of my favourite franchises.  And that's when I started thinking... if Castle Dracula can move/teleport... and everybody in it is undead and/or immortal... what would happen if it moved to space? And what if the count just decided to sleep a bit longer than last time? Like, let's say... 40.000 years, give or take? This is my army project where I bring characters and creatures from the Castlevania  videogame series into Warhammer 40.000 .