An Introduction

Hello dear readers

My name is Konrad and I'm high on tabletop games. It's been a while since I blogged about anything, but I wanted to share my tabletop content in a more elaborate way than Twitter allows. So here's the obligatory introduction post.

I'm playing a lot of different systems, but focus mainly on the games from two different companies: Games-Workshop with the obvious one being Warhammer 40k, Kill Team and soon (hopefully) Necromunda. The other company is Knight Models and both the DC Universe Miniature Game and the Batman Miniature Game. I also use that system for a lot of house rules, but more on that later.

Now what kind of content are you going to see here?

  • Miniature photos! D'uh! I want to have all my stuff in one place that's easier to look at than Twitter. This way it'll be easier to follow how my projects start out and grow. At least in theory.
  • Terrain! I love building tabletop terrain even more than I love building miniatures! The problem is I don't really have a lot of space for it, so this section might be more of a "wouldn't it be cool if I build this?"-section.
  • Fluff! I'm one of those people who has like a thousand stories in their heads for the miniatures they build but never write down. This will hopefully be the place for that! Especially for my current army project, which needs some explanation one way or the other.
  • House Rules probably at some point. I share them mostly on Facebook, but I might just as well drop them in here as well.
  • Battle Reports? Maybe. I keep seeing some cool stuff on Twitter and if I'll do them, I'll try to keep them as short and narrative focused as possible. 
  • Some Boardgame content probably. I'll play a lot of those too and I use the miniatures for other games as well.
What you're not going to see in here are Tactica articles and the like. Maybe I'll review how some units did after a battle, but don't expect much. There are people out there who are much better with this than I am. Might reccomend something though, if I see something I like.

You might also question where the name is coming from. Well, in case it wasn't obvious yet, I'm a huge Ninja Turtles fan and I'm very excited to soon introduce them in one of the superhero tabletops I'm playing. And the name itself is a nod to a Game Boy game I played as a kid.

And that's all you need to know so far. I'll make sure to get several posts on when this thing goes public. I hope I can update this regularly.


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