GrimDarkVania - the fluff Part 1

I said I also wanted to use this blog to write some fluff for my tabletop games (altough fanfiction might be the better term in this case). The idea behind #GrimDarkVania was "what if vampires and skeletons but in the 41. millenium?", so from the start I had some basic ideas I wanted to put to paper.
This is actually the first time I've attempted something like this in... 10 years? I don't know. Let me know what you think.

Like a space station a castle drifts in the void. A gothic castle with high spires and towers, huge gates, beautiful glass windows and enourmous staircases on the out- and inside. But also a complex web of tunnels under the main structure. Like what would be under ground if the castle had any ground to stand on to beginn with. Crumbeling brick work, rock formations, statues but also pipes and gears. From some of the openings a sheer never ending flow of water drifts out into the void. The castle has slumbered for a long time. 

The opening of the great rift of Cadia has increased Chaos incursions into realspace a thousand-fold. Champions of Chaos grew more powerful. And areas that previously were devoid of Chaos' corrupting influence began to stir. It was this influence that broke the spell.


Guardsman Davis of the Valachian 32nd ducked cowered behind a wall. His regiment was called upon to defend a shrine world not far from the Nordok sector. They were under the attack by an unknown force. Upon arrival they discovered the tombs of uncounted martyrs cracked open and shambling humanoids digging out the remains. That's when they were attacked. Walking skeletons striding towards them, brandishing blades and rifles. As a citizen of the Imperium Davis had seen his fair share of deathly imagery not to mention the floating servo-skulls sometimes seen with officers or tech-priests, but never had he seen a walking skeleton, their exe-sockets glowing with menace. The last thing he saw before a blade cut him down was a figure in huge flowing robe. It reminded him of the Tech-Priests of Mars, but they usually didn't carry scythes.


Death surveyed the battlefield. Some things had changed since he last walked the realms of mortals, but not much. They still seemed to cling to some kind of faith as a crutch. Not the same as before, different iconography, but the gist of it remained the same. A great deity they claimed to draw strenght from, yet that supposedely omnipotent being didn't seem to care about the death and destruction caused in his name or against his worshippers. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was building an army for his master. And to bring the Master back again. Death reminiscened about the day it all happenend.

It was sometime in the 4th or 5th millenium. A grand final battle against the Belmont Clan. Again. His Master had long since shed the form of the human teenager he was forced into and became himself again. But the Clan had remained and combined their powers with the accursed sorcereses of the Belnades again. The Master's boy was there too. They devised a ritual that would ban the castle from ever appearing on Earth again. Well, on the surface of the Earth, as he has found out. And another powerful spell seperated Death from the source of his and his Master's power. That's what kept him from re-appearing for so long and paving the way for his Master's return. 


The lord of the castle wandered the halls. It has been untold eons since he done so the last time. But the ritual was a success and he was back among the... well, he wouldn't call it "Living". Yet he couldn't recall the last time he felt so much power pulsating in him. He always drew his energy from Chaos but it seems this primal force was much much stronger now than it used to be. Conquering humanity like he knew it would've been easy with his powers as they were now. He once had a country to rule. But now before him lay an ocean of stars for him to conquer. 

"It seems the humans have expanded quite a bit", he said to his servant. 
"They call it 'The Imperium of Man', my leige," Death answered.
Dracula  raised an eyebrow. "Man, you say?"


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