
Having a tabletop blog to document my current projects is a good idea, but it only really works if I keep updating the damn thing and not just post everything on Twitter. So here's a project I recently had a lot of fun with. Why only make one mutant shark when I can build two?

While I write this I am still waiting for my Kickstarter package with the new Ninja Turtles boardgame City Fall. It's based on the (most excellent) current comic series from IDW and the game covers content from the first major story arcs. That however doesn't include one of my favourite characters from the new series: the mutated hammerhead shark Bludgeon, who works with the Foot Clan. He isn't introduced until issue 37 where he and his mutant pal Koya help Shredder attack Krang's ship.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #37 by IDW Comics

Isn't he great? I am convinced that if the new IDW Turtles weren't just a comic book but something like an animated series on Netflix, everybody would love Bludgeon and call him "the best shark boy" or something like that.

So originally I only worked with the blue guy you see in the header image on the right. An old Wereshark from Reaper Miniatures. Sculpted some pants and hammerhead eye-stalks on him. But them someone on Facebook mentioned he looks more like Armaggon, a more obscure shark villian from TMNT lore. You might have seen him in a videogame or two.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (SNES, 1993)

So I thought, why settle on one mutant shark when I can have two?  I bought the King Shark model from Knight Models and used him as a base for Bludgeon, while the Wereshark would become my take on Armaggon.

I sculpted eye stalks, a tail anda tooth necklace on King Shark and the Reaper Wereshark got pouches, tanks and cables, so he looks like the 90s comic book reject he is. Slap some paint on them and tadaa, two mutant sharks!

I even got a shoutout from IDW games on their FB page. And because it was so much fun, here are some action shots.

Building these two was a lot of fun and I hope I can find some more obscure TMNT villians to convert out of other stuff. Anyone got a source for a monster-sized mole creature?

I plan to write some homebrew rules for both of these to use them in the DC Universe Miniatures Game and the Batman Miniatures Game as well. And maybe even something for the TMNT boardgame when I finally get it.


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