Apocalyptic clash for the Blackstone

Our small 40k group held the yearly APOCALYPSE game a few weeks ago and I wanted to share some pics. 

In this game Abbaddon returned to the war-torn world of Vigilus to gain some of the remaining Black Stone. The danger was so great - and the rewards to enticing - that the Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Legions of Vigilus cooperated with a Necron Lord also eyeing the Warp-controlling resource for themselves.

The battle was thought between Necrons, several Imperial Knights and a Reaver Titan vs. a mix of Death Guard, Nurgle Demons, Renenage Space Marines, a few stray Khorne Berzerkers (including the recently turned Marines of the Cobalt Hawks chapter) all led by Abbaddon. As Objectives we had several markes representing the Blackstone fragments. 

The united Knights

Scabeiathrax the Bloated and the odd entity only known as "The Plague Gentleman" also took part.

The Reiver Titan watches silently.

The crawling tanks of the renegade milita known as the Sons of a Thousand Sons

The Chaos Marines and Renegades charge forward...

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...but were soon swarmed by Necrons.

Surprise. Abaddon was pissed.

The forces of Chaos also brought some Knights of their own.

Scabeiathrax crossed blades with a Knight but in the end it proved too much even for him.

In the end the victory points tally came down to 14-14.


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