Tabletop do-do list 2021

Hi everybody. Let's hope this year will be better than the last, ey? Anyway, I decided to cut down on hobby purchases this year and concentrate on my backlog. And for that purpose I decided to write down every unbuild models I already own on a list and work it off bit by bit. 

I sorted these into armies or games I'm working on, but only stuff I own the parts for. I have plans for a Space Marine Death Watch army down the line and a few bigger terrain and Ork projects I'm thinking about but I really need to work on my backlog. This includes my Castlevania project, a snow-themed Tyranid army, Mecha-Tau, Death Guard and Orks. I also really want to get into Necromunda and start a campaign but for that I need to get in more game time in. Then there are the two superhero games and multiple board games, but there's at least some crossover there. 

To keep better track of it all I put together a list on my phones I can cross things off. I already finished most of the big TMNT boardgame Kickstarter I was working on. Which is good, because I got another game of similar size coming. ^^

Now the question of course is if I can actually bring myself to just stick working on all the old GW kits I've been putting off for months or even years instead of buying shiny new toys. Wish me luck!  


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