
Getting into Necromunda

Ever since I played in a Blood Bowl league as a teenager I was a fan of Games Workshop's campaign system. I just love the idea of a small group of people, slowly getting stronger and better equipped over time. I am also constantly blown away by content I see on social media what people do with miniatures and terrain, so I decided to take the plunge and finally get into Necromunda. And start a campaign while I'm at it.

The tabletop game this city needs

I've already written about the DC UNIVERSE MINIATURE GAME from the Spanish company Knight Models , but recently I've been putting some more play time into its older sibling: The BATMAN MINIATURE GAME. Originally it was a rather clunky but tactical intense system. The 3rd edition threw a lot of things out but introduced a deck-building system that really helps making each faction feel distinct. And as you might have guessed, it is also very good for homebrewing other franchises into it.

Tabletop do-do list 2021

Hi everybody. Let's hope this year will be better than the last, ey? Anyway, I decided to cut down on hobby purchases this year and concentrate on my backlog. And for that purpose I decided to write down every unbuild models I already own on a list and work it off bit by bit. 

Apocalyptic clash for the Blackstone

Our small 40k group held the yearly APOCALYPSE game a few weeks ago and I wanted to share some pics.  In this game Abbaddon returned to the war-torn world of Vigilus to gain some of the remaining Black Stone. The danger was so great - and the rewards to enticing - that the Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Legions of Vigilus cooperated with a Necron Lord also eyeing the Warp-controlling resource for themselves.

GrimDarkVania - the fluff Part 1

I said I also wanted to use this blog to write some fluff for my tabletop games (altough fanfiction might be the better term in this case). The idea behind #GrimDarkVania was "what if vampires and skeletons but in the 41. millenium?", so from the start I had some basic ideas I wanted to put to paper.


Having a tabletop blog to document my current projects is a good idea, but it only really works if I keep updating the damn thing and not just post everything on Twitter. So here's a project I recently had a lot of fun with. Why only make one mutant shark when I can build two?

Goku vs. Superman

One of my favourite game systems from the last few years is the DC UNIVERSE MINIATURE GAME from Knight Models. It's a "beer & pretzels" tabletop game about superheroes duking it out with big punches and laser beams. But the reason I really like it, is that the system itself is flexible enough to write a lot of homebrew or house-rules. For example, bringing anime characters in to fight the Western superheroes.